Referring to the ambivalences that emerge when using social media, such as Twitter, I introduce in this post the notion of "temporal neurosis" to stress not only the conflicting, but also the ambivalent nature of the temporal tensions that may be experienced in the everyday life.
The experience of regression tells something about where a person stands (mentally, emotionally, socially). It expresses something about the present situation, as much as it reveals connections with the past and a possible future. The experience of regression appears therefore as a temporal marker. It is a marker because it draws attention to our own way of being through an unusual pattern of behavior. In this post, I explore how questioning one's experience of regression constitutes a way to learn something relevant about where we are in time, that is, where we are in relation to where we used to be, or where we may be in the future, and how we relate to such changes.
Using time lapse videos showing the growth and transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, this post explores the rhythmic dimension of natural transformations, stressing how much they display both continuous and discontinuous features.