Coaching & Supervision

Through my work at the Sunkhronos Institute, I provide my clients with services of coaching and supervision. I assist and support them in their activities and through their personal and professional development, in order to help them sustain the transformations they are committed to.

The following services are provided to individuals or groups, either online (videoconference) or at the Sunkhronos Institute’s main office in Geneva (Switzerland).

If you would like to learn more about my coaching and supervision services, feel free to contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation.
(The links below will redirect you to the Sunkhronos Institute website.)

Leadership & Self-Development

Based on the elaboration of a life narrative, orally and then in writing, this approach provides participants with the opportunity to revisit their own past in order to identify the experiences that have shaped their current conception of leadership. Doing so, this process leads them to adopt a renewed perception of oneself, of others and of the world. It also reinforces a more authentic and grounded attitude toward leadership, while enhancing a more confident and assertive way of dealing with power and authority.

Life History & Lifelong Learning

Based on the elaboration of a life narrative, orally and then in writing, this approach provides participants with the opportunity to reflect on the events and the relationships that influenced and transformed their lives at different periods, in family, at school, at work, and in the different spheres of one’s existence. This process allows one to identify and modify the patterns and strategies through which people develop themselves. By revisiting the meaning attributed to lived experiences, this approach reinforces a greater sense of autonomy and agency.

Life History & Professional Development

Based on the formulation of a life narrative, orally and then in writing, this approach provides participants with the opportunity to reconsider the way in which they envision their professional career, past, present and future. By revisiting the meaning given today to the activities undertaken, those that arouse one’s interest, and the way they interact with the different spheres of one’s life (family, leisure, etc.), this process allows one to consider from a new angle the role played by work in one’s existence.

Biographical Coaching

Biographical coaching provides participants with the opportunity to reinterpret the meaning they give to their life history in order to better understand core aspects of their existence (family, education, work, health, environment, culture, etc.) and key themes that run through their lives (love, money, decision-making, power, etc.) By facilitating the elaboration of an autobiographical narrative focusing on specific interests, this approach makes it possible to question and challenge the ways one relates to oneself and to one’s environment. Biographical coaching thus allows one to address what is at stake in the transitions that punctuate one’s life and the transformations they generate.

Individual Supervision

This service is intended for practitioners working in human centered professions (coaches, consultants, teachers, trainers, HR professionals, caregivers, therapists, social workers, etc.) who wish to benefit from one-time or ongoing support, in order to help them develop and strengthen their expertise, their interpretive skills and their know-how. By drawing on the richness of the everyday situations and experiences brought by the participants, as well as on contributions from different academic disciplines, individual supervision contributes to a process of professionalization, characterized by the development of a self-reflective and critical position.

Team Supervision

This service is intended for practitioners working in teams (coaches, consultants, teachers, trainers, HR professionals, caregivers, therapists, social workers, etc.) who wish to benefit from a punctual or ongoing support. Its aim is to bring participants to reflect on the processes that are implemented collectively in order to self-regulate their activities. This approach is based as much on the experiences lived by the group, as it is supported by multidisciplinary contributions produced in human sciences. The emphasis is placed in particular on the rhythms that characterize the activities undertaken and the resources available to strengthen a sense of resonance within the group.